

No, Ignorance is Not Bliss: A (2020) Review of WALL-E - Midstory

No, Ignorance is Not Bliss: A (2020) Review of WALL-E - Midstory

The summer of 2008 saw the glorious and yet understated release of Pixar’s robot romance WALL-E. A post-apocalyptic film made for kids, it bypasses the usual terrors of the human downfall; violent conflict, global plagues, cosmic collisions? Hardly. The social message we find in Wall-E comes softly and sweetly in the form of a small, […]

The Detroit Eastern Market Transports Locals to a Pre-Industrial Era - Midstory

The Great Midwest Trivia Contest, Circa 1966 - Midstory

WALL-E (2008) – Difference, Power, and Discrimination in Film and Media: Student Essays

The Highs and Lows of Midwest Voter Turnout - Midstory

How the Indianapolis Cultural Trail Has Transformed Transportation Accessibility and Arts Visibility - Midstory

The Modernist Marvels of Columbus, Indiana: Building Community Through Architecture and Design - Midstory

The Detroit Eastern Market Transports Locals to a Pre-Industrial Era - Midstory

Explore Nature in Toledo's 'Tapestry of Habitats' - Midstory

Follow the Cranberry Road (A 50-Mile Trail in Wisconsin, the Cranberry Capital of the World) - Midstory

The Modernist Marvels of Columbus, Indiana: Building Community Through Architecture and Design - Midstory

The Great Midwest Trivia Contest, Circa 1966 - Midstory