

What's a Turing Machine? (And Why Does It Matter?), by Marin Benčević, Background Thread

What's a Turing Machine? (And Why Does It Matter?), by Marin Benčević, Background Thread

You don’t always think about mathematicians building stuff like engineers do, but the truth is mathematicians build things all the time. It’s just that the things they build exist mostly in their…

A Case For Using Storyboards on iOS, by Marin Benčević

Zoo de la Flèche Chouette leptogramme, chouette

Expert Swift v1.0.0, PDF, Swift (Programming Language)

List: Cool Things, Curated by Allison

Unit Testing iOS in Swift — Part 2: A Testable Architecture, by Marin Benčević

Dealing with Complex Table Views in iOS and Keeping Your Sanity, by Marin Benčević

The Neural Turing Machine. This article serves to briefly outline…, by Aidan Gomez, turing machine

Thinking from Scratch with Sets in Swift, by Marin Benčević

Accessing Types from Extensions in Swift, by Marin Benčević