

School Store Vending Machine

School Store Vending Machine

The Spirit Box has helped us increase program enrollment by effectively highlighting what we do within the school. Sophia…

Instead of snacks, a vending machine at this elementary school is filled with books

Public school gets book vending machine

How to operate your school store vending machine [Spirit Box Training Video]

Study: Unhealthy snacks common in Minn. high schools

Spirit Box Testimonial

Book Magzine Stationery Vending Machine For Book Store

Vending Machine Bans In Schools Encourage Kids To Find Fast Food Elsewhere; Changing Diets Requires Large-Scale Change

Figure 1. Percent of public elementary schools reporting the availability of foods, by type of food services: 2005

Brody Stejskal on Japanese Vending Machines

Book Vending Machine - Customized for your School

This elementary school fills their vending machine with books instead of candy - Good Morning America