

Princess Mononoke was ahead of its time over the climate crisis. It offers a message more relevant than ever

Princess Mononoke was ahead of its time over the climate crisis. It offers  a message more relevant than ever

Hayao Miyazaki’s fantasy movie was released almost a quarter of a century ago, and we still aren’t listening to the warnings it gives with enough urgency

An In-Depth Analysis of Hayao Miyazaki's Exploration of Climate Change and Humanity's Relationship with Nature in Princess Mononoke (1997), PDF

Princess Mononoke – The masterpiece ahead of it's time

Princess Mononoke: The masterpiece that flummoxed the US

Emergency viewing: 15 must-see films about the climate crisis, Movies

Petition · Hayao Miyazaki Please Make A Sequel Of Princess Mononoke With A Walt Disney Ending ·

Princess Mononoke and History – Historical Horizons

Princess Mononoke – Exploring Environmental Themes Conservation, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Princess Mononoke Character Analysis

ICYMI: 'Princess Mononoke': A Timeless Tale of Colonization and Indigenous Survival

Ecological Analysis of Studio Ghibli's 'Princess Mononoke', by The Chubby Honu