

Are Christians Naively Marcionite in Their Theology and Practice? – THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM

Are Christians Naively Marcionite in Their Theology and Practice? –  THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM

Just recently, I was having a discussion with a friend of mine about how Christians approach the Old Testament. He happened to pass this quote onto me by Richard B. Hays who says the following: "Many "mainstream" Protestant churches today are in fact naively Marcionite in their theology and practice: in their worship services they…

Science and Faith: Friends or Foes? – THINKAPOLOGETICS.COM

Art, Theology & Christian Mysticism - Arthur Aghajanian (Non

DOC) Summary of Some Alternating/Competing Christian Theologies

Religious language as non-cognitive and mythical: - ppt download

PDF) Monotheism and Syncretism in Late Antiquity: The 'Hellenistic

Come Reason's Apologetics Notes: A Christian Must Believe in the

Chapter 8 Tatian Theodidaktos on Mimetic Knowledge in: Christian

Christian Theology: Indian Conversations Volume 1 Dogmatic Themes

PDF) Marcion's Gospel and the Beginnings of Early Christianity

Why the Old Testament and New Testament Divide Needs to End

Biblical Literalism is Eroding Christianity, by Saul Phenex

Rev. Fr. Mathew Naickomparambil V C is the founder of Divine

The “Infinite Content of the Dogmatic Formulae”: Stăniloae and