

The Neural Turing Machine. This article serves to briefly outline…, by Aidan Gomez

The Neural Turing Machine. This article serves to briefly outline…, by  Aidan Gomez

This article serves to briefly outline the design of the Neural Turing Machine (NTM), a backpropogatable architecture that can (among many possibilities) learn to dynamically execute programs. I’ve…

What are neural machine translation system? - Quora

PDF) Can Neural Networks Understand Logical Entailment?

Reimagining education: beyond the rhetoric

A survey of transformers - ScienceDirect

Multilingual Neural Machine Translation for Low-Resource Languages

Intelligence Primer - 3rd Edition

A survey of transformers - ScienceDirect

WEF Panel - The Expanding Universe of Generative Models

Artificial intelligence literacy for the language industry – with particular emphasis on recent large language models such as GPT-4

On The Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models: Corresponding Author: Pliang@cs - Equal Contribution, PDF, Deep Learning

Neural network (machine learning) - Wikipedia

What Is a Transformer Model?

Pre-trained models: Past, present and future - ScienceDirect