

Cloud Based Data Science

Cloud Based Data Science

Cloud Based Data Science (CBDS) is a free online educational to help anyone who can read, write, and use a computer to move into data science, the number one rated job. It is a sequence of 11 MOOCs offered by faculty members in the Johns Hopkins Department of Biostatistics, Bloomberg School of Public Health. Data science jobs are in demand and well regarded, but it is challenging to break into the field. Some of these challenges include:Data science training requires expensive computersData science training is expensiveData science jobs are centralized in tech centersData science jobs require connectionsThis sequence of courses teaches you the basics all the way from word processing to basic data analysis and how to network and get a job in data science. The courses are available on a "pay what you want/can" model so that they are accessible to everyone. All proceeds that go to the JHU Data Science Lab will be redirected to help improve training and placement in data science for individuals from under-served backgrounds through the Cloud Based Data Science Plus program. Learn more about Cloud Based Data Science from the Johns Hopkins Data Science Lab.

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Cloud-Based Data Analytics in Three Steps, Blog

Utilizing Cloud Computing to address big geospatial data challenges - ScienceDirect

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Leveraging Cloud-Based Big Data Solutions for Scalability and Cost Effectiveness — Techstack

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