

Christmas Rose Bouquet

Christmas Rose Bouquet

lt;p>Christmas magic in a bouquet. We’ve paired red and white roses (18 in all), creating a special holiday surprise for bringing you closer to the people you care about.</p><ul><li>18-stem bouquet of red and white roses</li><li>Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way&nbsp;and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment</li></ul><p><strong>About Godiva</strong><sup>®</sup><strong><br></strong>Since 1926, Godiva Chocolatier has been known for its expertly made Belgian chocolates and confections.&nbsp;With outstanding dedication to&nbsp;craft and sophisticated presentation,&nbsp;Godiva's presence as a top gifted confection remains unrivaled throughout the world.</p><p>Add to their gift:</p><ul><li>Vintage tin “Santa’s Merry Surprise” vase, inspired by the delights delivered on Christmas Eve; measures 8.75"H x 4.75"</li><li>Christmas tree snow globe features colorful, lifelike detail in quality resin and glass; measures 3.5"H x 3"D</li><li>Godiva gourmet chocolates in dark, milk, and white chocolates with Belgian fillings such as silky ganache, creamy pralines, rich caramels, plus fruit &amp; nuts; arrives in a classic gold box; 8 pieces</li></ul>
Send Christmas Rose Bouquet flowers from local Jacksonville FL florist. We offer same-day flower deliveries for Christmas Rose Bouquet flowers in Jacksonville FL.

Christmas Flowers Warren, MI

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Christmas Christmas bouquet, Christmas flower delivery, Christmas flowers

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Send Christmas Rose Bouquet flowers from local Jacksonville FL florist. We offer same-day flower deliveries for Christmas Rose Bouquet flowers in

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