

BENAGOL 16 Past.Mentolo&Eucal.

BENAGOL 16 Past.Mentolo&Eucal.

Principi attiviBENAGOL Pastiglie gusto Ginger e Spezie Principi attivi: 2,4–diclorobenzil alcool 1,2 mg; amilmetacresolo 0,6 mg. Eccipienti con effe

Over-the-counter medicines/Cold and Flu/Sickness of the Throat/Throat Pastille

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Eucalyptus Menthol

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Betadine Sore Throat Lozenges Fresh Menthol & Eucalyptus Flavour 36 Pa – Australia Health Warehouse

Eucalyptus Menthol

Benagol 16 Pastiglie Mentolo E Eucaliptolo: acquista online in offerta

Herbal Mint Cold Benagol